Update on trying out video in Exeter

So I am getting further with finding out what the Sony Experia is useful for, but now I need a rest while I catch up with editing. On YouTube there is now enough to show what I have been looking at, but loads of gaps and things still to do. Mostly I still use the Kodak Zi8. But there are some from the phone, notes below

Video embed not working well so I am just putting in links

Bookshop at TED Exeter

The official video will be available soon.

Sarah Eden-Winn at Exeter Food and Drink Fest

Maybe more later , still waiting on response from Angelo Starr

Twisted Ink

Day event at Phoenix. I supported Andy Brock who did short interviews. Lighting in open air works well, maybe four months  still to come

Ryn at Revolution ( name for restaurant still to come)

This from Sony but a couple of days to sort out an edit. Much later Melissa Greener, there are some problems finding the files.

Pyrates at Sorry Head

This loaded from Sony over wifi at home. In theory wifi in urban settings could do this just as well. Still tryying out how to make video short enough though.